Total Medals Earned: 74 (From 19 different games.) Total Medal Score: 955 Points
Medals Earned: 3/14 (15/515 points)
Launch Madness: Off-Color.
Killcount: 50
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Killcount: 100
Killcount: 200
Killcount: 300
Equip Pico's Uzi (1/1000 Drop Chance)
Try out Experiment Mode.
Be a homie and look at the credits.
Medals Earned: 2/27 (10/390 points)
Complete the 'Deserted Beach' level on Adventure Mode.
Complete the 'Forest' level on Adventure Mode.
Complete the 'Slime Pit' level on Adventure Mode.
Complete the 'Village' level on Adventure Mode.
Complete the 'Abandoned Mine' level on Adventure Mode.
Complete the 'Ravine' level on Adventure Mode.
Get 2,500 kills with lava.
Complete the 'Mountain Ascent' level on Adventure Mode.
Freeze 2,500 mobs with a Snow Dispenser
Teleport 500 mobs using an Enderpearl Dispenser
Complete the 'Spider Cavern' level on Adventure Mode.
Get 1,000 kills with a Fireball Dispenser.
Use 100 water.
Get 500 kills with Trapdoors.
Complete the 'Underground Ravine' level on Adventure Mode.
Use 25 Iron Bars.
Get 250 kills with TNT.
Get 100 kills with Cacti.
Get 1,000 kills with an Arrow Dispenser.
Get 1,000 kills with an Egg Dispenser.
Get 1,000 kills with a Slime Dispenser.
Complete the 'Ice Peak' level on Adventure Mode.
Complete the 'Stronghold' level on Adventure Mode.
Complete the 'Nether Portal' level on Adventure Mode.
Get to Wave 50 on the Spider Cavern survival map.
Complete the Adventure Mode!
Get to Wave 50 on any Survival Mode game.
Medals Earned: 5/6 (60/110 points)
Beat the game
Find all places to take a shit
Find all ways to freshen up
Find all ways to puke
Flawlessly beat the game (all positives, no negatives)
Find all 91 interactions
Medals Earned: 1/24 (5/390 points)
You made Pico, congrats!
Pairs well with Girlfriend (or Pico)
*tank not included
All fired up and ready to rock
Always ready for the next mission from the Chief
No, it's not the "loss" guy
Pairs well with Boyfriend
He's got some mad combat skills
Be careful with your socks around him
Master of powerslides, killer of pillows
Try to keep sharp objects away from her
Would do anything for his friend Hartrup
Rat gamer on a quest for cheese
*cock jokes not included
No way.
Probably this guy's
The man, the myth, the legend
Medals Earned: 5/7 (115/120 points)
baby medal
damn daniel
Medals Earned: 4/45 (25/500 points)
Killed 20 enemies
Sticker (Common): Green Knight
Sticker (Common): Tom
Survived for 1+ miles!
Killed 2 enemies at once
Killed 3 enemies at once
Sticker (Common): Alien Hominid
Sticker (Common): Grunt
Sticker (Common): The Player
Sticker (Epic): Cat Dad
Sticker (Epic): Gold Whale
Sticker (Epic): Necromancer
Sticker (Epic): Tord
Sticker (Epic): Tricky
Sticker (Rare): Edd
Sticker (Rare): Hank
Sticker (Rare): Orange Knight
Sticker (Rare): Pico
Sticker (Rare): Racoon
Sticker (Uncommon): Beefy Villager
Sticker (Uncommon): Boyfriend
Sticker (Uncommon): Hominid Agent
Sticker (Uncommon): Matt
Sticker (Uncommon): The Tank
Win 10 rounds
Win a game of Castle Crashers VS!
Beat 10 rounds!
Killed 30+ enemies with 100% accuracy!
Killed 4 enemies at once
Killed 50 enemies
Killed 5 enemies at once
Killed 6 enemies at once
Escaped the magma!
Break 100 blocks!
Broke 500 blocks!
Win a game of Pico Roulette!
Win 25 rounds
Killed 100 enemies!
Killed 50+ enemies with 100% accuracy!
Killed 7 enemies at once!
Survived for 5+ miles!
Crossed the finish line! (~12 miles)
Win 50 rounds
Killed 100+ enemies with 100% accuracy!
Win 100 rounds!
Medals Earned: 7/7 (260/260 points)
Well aren't you a fucking hero?!
Medals Earned: 10/21 (125/500 points)
Launch Piconjo: AFK
Catch your first fish.
Catch a Tank Fish
Catch a Fish Man
Catch an Hourglass Dog
Earn $100 in total
Earn $1000 in total
Earn $10000 in total
Blow up Pico as he rides past
Ascend for the first time
Catch a Grunt
Catch a Golden Whale
Catch a Zombeh Limb
Earn $100000 in total
Earn $1000000 in total
Rescue the crab
Max out all stats (excluding ascension)
Take a peek at the credits
Medals Earned: 9/20 (80/500 points)
Get skewered on spikes
Launch the Turtle
Smash a goomba
Launch 1 mile (5,280ft)
Find the hidden button
Launch 5 miles (26,400ft)
Blow up a jeep
Reach space
Use a nuke
Crush an angry ground creature
Get punched by a banana
Get caught by a UFO
Get burned by a sun
Play over an hour
Launch 10 miles (52,800ft)
Play over 2 hours
Buy everything
Launch 25 miles (132,000ft)
Total over 1 million feet
Launch 50 miles (264,000ft)